Implementation of Independent Learning according to the Views Ki Hadjar Dewantara in Establishment Pancasila Student Profile
I Kadek Arta Jaya
SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i2n02

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Education is one of the basic human rights. Because humans are human beings who are gifted with reason, humans need education in the process of their lives. The idea of independent learning is a very good idea where the idea has given the freedom of teachers and students in determining the learning system. In a learning is determined by the teaching itself. The influence of teaching generally liberates man from his life from birth, while the freedom of inner life is found in education. Free humans are humans whose lives do not depend on others, but rely on their own strength. Meanwhile, Indonesian students are lifelong students who are competent, have character, and behave according to the values of Pancasila. In the process of implementing independent learning, of course, there will be obstacles and obstacles. This research is a qualitative research that uses a literature study approach by reading various relevant literature in the form of books, journals, newspapers, magazines, internet, and other important notes. While this study aims to describe independent learning according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara's view in the formation of the Pancasila student profile, to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in the formation of the Pancasila student profile in schools and the solutions sought in learning that takes place in schools in the formation of the Pancasila student profile. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the results of this study indicate that independent learning is the right step to achieve an ideal education that is in accordance with current conditions and aims to prepare students who are tough, intelligent, creative, and have characters that are in accordance with values. Pancasila. In addition, the implementation of independent learning in Ki Hadjar Dewantara's view is very relevant to the development of the profile of Pancasila students, namely students can internalize the values of Pancasila in their lives and consider aspects of the balance of creativity, taste and intention. Meanwhile, the driving factors in the formation of the Pancasila student profile consist of: 1) The nature of oneself (internal factors); 2) Personality (internal factors); 3) Family (external factors); 4) Teachers/educators (external factors); and 5) Environment (external factors). While the inhibiting factors in the formation of Pancasila student profiles in schools are the lazy character attitude of a small number of students, the limitations of teachers in designing good lesson plans or teaching modules, teacher limitations in using media, it and varied learning resources, and also the lack of time available to teaching and learning activities. Meanwhile, problem solving carried out by educators includes using a psychological approach to students through habituation, role models, examples and moral guidance and mentoring.


Independent Learning, Profile of Pancasila Students, Ki Hadjar Dewantara


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